Hydroponics without substrate


At SINTERRA, we aim to make aquaponics and hydroponics circular by developing solutions for growing plants without single-use substrates. Using our patented Hydrostarter makes growing without soil even more efficient, simple and sustainable. 



  • germination without substrate
  • reusable
  • easy to use
  • producing bare root plants
  • sustainable


No soil, no substrate. To grow plants in the Hydrostarter, only water and light are needed.

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Without the need for artificial or natural substrates, the Hydrostarter grows bare root seedlings which are perfectly suited for further hydroponic cultivation.


Only the pure plant is harvested - without any rooted substrate. Hydrostarter and plant can be separated very easily and the device is reusable.

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More Sustainability


Unlike substrate, the Hydrostarter can be reused. 

Aquaponics and hydroponics become part of the circular economy.

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More Comfort 


The reservoir is large enough to provide the young plants with water for days and even weeks.

Handling substrate is completely eliminated.

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More Flexibility


The Hydrostarter can be used to grow various plants.

The bare root seedlings can be removed and transplanted into substrate as needed.

Simple Use


The seeds are  placed in the hydrostarter and need to be  moistened only once. The plants are then supplied with water through the reservoir until they are large enough to be transferred to a hydroponic system. 

Great Compatibility 


When the seedlings are large enough, they can be transplanted into another medium, or transferred into a hydroponic system together with the Hydrostarter. Suitable systems are e.g., Deep Water Culture (DWC) or Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) systems.

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